Devil wears …Dior ?

I supposed to hate Jennifer Lawrence. She has everything:  people love her, she is beautiful, rich, famous and finally, she won an Oscars at age of 22. But the worst thing is the fact that… she is of my age. While I’m seating in a library, writing super boring assignments, fighting with deadlines, she is on the red carpet somewhere in Hollywood, earning millions of dollars. But you know what, even though I envy her, I truly like her.

Let’s face the obvious facts out of the way: She is young and adorably inexperienced at being a huge movie star. People like her for being natural, kind of “next-door” girl who do not need to be perfect.

Luxury brand want to work with her because she is a role model for the young generation which is becoming one a key target for high-end fashion companies. In October 2012, Lawrence was announced as the new  face of Dior. Nevertheless, the beginning of Jannifer’s collaboration with this massive brand wasn’t really good. What happened to her last year is worth to mention.

Christian Dior’s dresses seemed to be a bit unlucky for her. She decided to wear a gorgeous dark blue Christian Dior dress at the 19th Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles in 2013. Upon receiving her award for best performance by a female actor in Silver Linings Playbook, Jennifer shocked the crowd by showing a little more leg than expected when she stood up. And it was not a case.


However, what happened when she was collecting her Best Actress Oscar was more spectacular. Jennifer Lawrence fell elegantly in Dior Couture. “What do you mean what happened? Look at my dress. I tried to walk up stairs in this dress that’s what happened,” she explained during the press conference. Well, nothing more to add.


This fall inspired a Tumblr user to create a mock Christian Dior ad featuring a photograph of Jennifer Lawrence falling.All an all, Jennifer accidents generated a constant media coverage for Christian Dior that time.

Moreover, since October 2012 she is a new face of Dior, replacing fellow actress Mila Kunis who has been fired from Dior due to her…weight. The marketing department at Christian Dior was “furious” with Mila Kunis for putting on weight and continually appearing out in very sloppy, un-chic outfits. For Jennifer, this is the first collaboration with a luxury brand. “It’s such a dream to represent an iconic brand that is synonymous with high fashion,” she told WWD of the partnership. The Oscar-winner actress appeared in her first campaign for the French fashion house’s Miss Dior handbag line this March. Interstingly, she  has confessed for something that probably no-one in Hollywood would do. She said : “I love Photoshop more than anything in the world (…) Of course it’s Photoshop – people don’t actually look like that”. 


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